Presentations are sorted by most recent
Extension and Outreach
Row Crop Situation and Outlook (Arkansas Seed Dealers Association Annual Convention | July 14, 2023)
2023 Arkansas Net Farm Income Projection and Crop Market Update (Agricultural Council of Arkansas Board Meeting | May 10, 2023)
2023 Rice, Fertilizer, and Farm Bill Outlook (River Valley Production Meeting | March 2, 2023)
2023 Row Crops, Fertilizer, and Farm Bill Outlook (Clark County Production Meeting | March 1, 2023)
Soybean and Rice Outlook (Crittenden County Production Meeting | February 28, 2023)
Fertilizer Outlook (Arkansas Forage and Grassland Council | February 23, 2023)
Soybean, Rice, and Corn Outlook (Lawrence-Randolph County Production Meeting | February 17, 2023)
Rice and Soybean Outlook (Mississippi County Production Meeting | February 16, 2023)
Soybean, Rice, and Corn Outlook (Woodruff County Production Meeting | February 15, 2023)
Rice and Soybean Outlook (Tri-County County Production Meeting | February 13, 2023)
Soybean, Rice, and Corn Outlook (White County Production Meeting | February 10, 2023)
Extension Risk Management and 2023 Crop Outlook (Four States Ag Expo | February 9, 2023)
Corn and Cotton Outlook (Craighead-Poinsett County Production Meeting | February 8, 2023)
Soybean, Rice, and Corn Outlook (Arkansas County Production Meeting | February 8, 2023)
Soybean Situation and Outlook (Southern Agricultural Economics Association Crop Symposium | February 6, 2023)
Rice and Soybean Outlook (Lee/Phillips County Production Meeting | February 3, 2023)
Where are grain prices headed in 2023? (Catfish Farmers of Arkansas Annual Meeting | January 27, 2023)
Corn and Cotton Market Outlook (Clay/Greene County Production Meeting | January 27, 2023)
Soybean Situation and Outlook (River Valley Production Meeting | January 26, 2023)
Row Crop Situation and Outlook (UA-Monticello Row Crop Symposium | January 21, 2023)
Rice, Soybean, and Corn Outlook (Grand Prairie Production Meeting | January 12, 2023)
Rice and Soybean Outlook (Poinsett/Craighead County Production Meeting | January 10, 2023)
Soybean Situation and Outlook (2023 Tri-State Soybean Forum | January 6, 2023)
Row Crop Markets Situation and Outlook (Arkansas Farm Bureau Annual Convention (2022) | December 1, 2022)
Soybean Situation and Outlook (Southern Outlook Conference | September 20, 2022)
Impacts of Mississippi River levels on Arkansas Soybean Basis (SEEC 2023 | June 5, 2023)
Optimal Forward Contracting and Crop Revenue Insurance in Arkansas (SEEC 2023 | June 5, 2023)